Workplace Bullying Webinar

Training for Contact Professionals

September 23, 2020

Experts from Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, and France have come together to provide participants with the first of its kind, in depth training on workplace bullying. We offer contact professionals deeper knowledge, evidence-based strategies, interventions, skills, tips, rich discussions, support, and networking, to address employees who are impacted by workplace bullying (psychological harassment or psychological violence). Contact professionals are e.g. human resources, unions, occupational health and safety, mediators, workplace coaches, counselors, medical teams, insurance teams, investigators, and therapists. Cases of psychological harassment or psychological violence (bullying) are complex, multi-layered, unique to each person, and often, difficult to prove “he said – she said” situations. With this training, enhanced knowledge, support, and skills gained, contact professionals will be able to create more opportunities to prevent, intervene earlier, and/or contribute to the repairs needed for the organization, and expedite recovery times.

Module #1: Research based definitions and terminology, legislation, signs, causes, tactics.

Module #2: Explains the potential physical, psychological, and neurological injuries.

Module #3: Teaches about the behavioral consequence, understanding models of severity of presentation, and DARVO.

Module #4: Trauma informed approach, and principles of natural justice.

Module #5: Best Practises, return to work, standards for investigation, assessing culture, and using the EDIT process to improve climate.

Cases will be shared, questions will be answered, polls will be informative, videos will solidify your learning, and it doesn’t end there. Following this training you will be provided with handouts, a certificate of completion, access to ongoing research, and all participants are invited to join a closed facebook group for ‘contact professionals’. This will be a psycho-educational peer- networking group for members to continue discussions, ongoing learning, sharing of stories, and brainstorming strategies with participants from your webinar session. The learning will never end! The gains are endless.

Workplace Bullying Webinar
Workplace Bullying Webinar